Thursday 1 December 2011

How to Handle Christmas Drama

Christmas is supposed to be a wonderful holiday but so often it's one of family feuds and disagreements.

Here are a few tips I've written for myself to help me get through this season.

1- Accept people for who they are. That includes what you like and what you don't like about them. They are who they are and they own that , not you.

2- Don't try to change people. It doesn't work so let it go and don't exhaust yourself dwelling on it.

3- Be grateful for the things they do even if they are the tiniest things. It's better to be grateful for the small things than waste energy complaining about the things you feel they've done wrong or don't do.

4- Don't buy into anyone else's drama. You can tell them you don't want to discuss their drama and then leave them with that to think about. It's not impolite, you're just stating your needs. If they get angry because you don't want to hear their gossip or drama, then that's too bad and that's their issue and it's okay because there is nothing you can do about the way they react - which leads me to point 5 & 6.

5- You can not change how people react but you can change how you react to people.

6 - It's okay to disagree. 

7- Peace is not submission. Peace is the outcome of your choice on how to handle and react to life's situations.

8- You don't have to like someone to love them.

9 - It's an amazing fact, but changing your attitude to people's funk or people's moods is extremely powerful social tool.
To confront anger head on is sometimes the worst reaction to take.By being light and even humorous ( not sarcastic) can actually dissipate the anger in an environment and turn a bad situation into a good one.
People find it easier to be open about their faults and issues in a humorous air. This doesn't mean you have to be cracking jokes all the time of course, but finding the time as to when to be light is a good social skill.

10 - Be kind to others and give them a break. Be empathetic and know that they are trying to deal with life the best and the only way they know how to, just as you are. 
Everyone suffers and struggles. No matter what brave or sour face they put on it's a fact that they are dealing with some major things internally. So be kind and remember this and you will find that it makes things a little easier to cope with and understand when the shit hits the fan !

Have  a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, or Seasonal Celebration of your choice.

Much Love

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